Atypical Presentation of Parkinsonism in a Pediatric Patient with Wilson's Disease: A Case Report

Published on:April 2024
Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 2024; 17(2):184-186
Case Report | doi:10.5530/ijopp.17.2.29

Atypical Presentation of Parkinsonism in a Pediatric Patient with Wilson's Disease: A Case Report

Authors and affiliation (s):

Safiya Anhar1,*, Pradeep Shankrappa Mannikatti1, Patre Rachita Dutt2

1Department of Pharmacy Practice, Bapuji Pharmacy College, Davangere, Karnataka, INDIA.

2Department of Neurology, SS Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center, Davangere, Karnataka, INDIA.


Wilson's Disease (WD) is an autosomal recessive disorder involving mutations of the ATP7B gene on chromosome 13, characterized by impaired hepatic copper transport, which results in copper accumulation particularly in the liver and brain. Neurological manifestations such as Parkinsonism can occur in advanced stages of the disease but is rare in pediatric patients. A 10-year-old female presented with complaints of inappropriate laughter and slowness in carrying out daily activities. She also had a history of tremors, rigidity, bradykinesia, and dystonic portray of the neck and upper limbs for 2 months. Neurological examination revealed cogwheel rigidity, resting tremors, facial hypomimia, and dystonic portraying of both upper limbs. The patient had no family history of movement disorders. Laboratory investigations, including low serum ceruloplasmin levels and high 24 hr urinary copper excretion, confirmed the diagnosis of Wilson's disease. Ocular examination revealed the presence of Kayser-Fleischer (KF) rings, a common manifestation of Wilson’s disease. Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) demonstrated characteristic findings of basal ganglia hyper-intensities. The patient was treated with Tab Trihexyphenidyl (THP), Vitamin C and Zinc supplementation for 5 days, following which she was discharged with a comprehensive follow-up plan. This case emphasizes the atypical presentation of Parkinsonism in a pediatric patient with Wilson's disease. It underscores the importance of considering Wilson's disease as a potential etiology in young patients presenting with movement disorders, even in the absence of family history. Early diagnosis and treatment are necessary to prevent irreversible neurological damage. Long-term monitoring and follow-up are necessary to ensure treatment efficacy and prevent disease complications.

Keywords: Wilson’s disease, Hepatolenticular Degeneration, Parkinsonian Disorders, KF rings


The Official Journal of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI)
(Registered under Registration of Societies Act XXI of 1860 No. 122 of 1966-1967, Lucknow)

Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice (IJOPP) [ISSN-0974-8326] is the official journal of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI) and is being published since 2008.


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